Post your letters, memories and photos

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Entering into marriage, Mark and I we knew that we were two very different individuals. We believed in Kahlil Gibran’s image of marriage being like two pillars holding up a structure. If the pillars stood too close, or too far apart the structure would fail and fall apart.

We were married almost six years before we had our first son, Dustin, four years later, Austin, our second son was born and five years later, our youngest and last son, Teddy was given to us. All three sons grew strong and became pillars assisting us in holding up this structure of family. Each pillar was different, unique, talented and each one an integral part of the structure. There we stood, five strong pillars sharing the calm and beauty of life and withstanding the storms. Only, the youngest, Teddy, took such a beating in one of life’s storms that he was weakened. His column cracked. He searched and searched for a way to be repaired. The rest of us tried to stand taller, stronger, watching for oncoming storms and praying and hoping to shield him from any more damage. Dustin’s wife, Cristine and Austin’s wife, Anne Marie joined in the fight. Their children, Alex, Jayden, Sal and Ben refreshed Teddy with play, laughter and love. Then a storm of such magnitude crashed into Teddy. None of us could stop it. His foundation shook, the wind blew like never before, there was thunder and lightening. He could not hold on. He fell off the bridge in a dark cloud. As he was falling - God reached out his warm and gentle hand and took Teddy’s soul. HE held his soul gently in the palm of his hand and welcomed him into a place of peace.
-Carole Wienecke