Post your letters, memories and photos

Friday, August 20, 2010


If we did it over again, do you think our laughter would still ring true? If time granted us change, our lives diverged, would my love for you ring in my ears, my tears fail to fall and the mourning remain locked inside as it is? There is no changing chance; our decisions progress us through time. I will always love you. I loved you then, and I love you now. Regrets won’t bring you back, so I will put them aside the best I can. I do remember you. I cannot say as much for other things in my life, but you have ear-marked time in my mind and will remain forever present. I will see you again. A life time shall pass for me, hopefully only seconds will pass for you, and I will stand by your side. Sleep long brother. Awaken to greet those that come behind to join you, in the clearing at the end of the path.
-Austin Wienecke