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Saturday, November 13, 2010

A special day...

We observed Teddy's birthday today. Austin, his family, Anne-Marie, Salvador, and Ben, Dustin and his wife, Cristine, Carole and I met up at the Mt. Calvary cemetery and gathered at his grave site. Carole lit a candle and place some flowers in a holder. Carole had brought some hymns that were often sung towards the end of funerals. I said some heart felt words and then we sang 'Happy Birthday' to Teddy. I commented that this was the first time that I had cried while singing 'Happy Birthday'. Carole passed around a flask of Pendleton whiskey and each of the adults took a sip.

We adjourned to the Rock Creek Tavern to have a late lunch. Carole had bought a German Chocolate cake (Theodore's favorite) from Beaverton bakery which we enjoyed for desert. Each of the attending family members were given a 'birthday present', an item that had been special to Teddy once. All and all it was memorable remembrance of our youngest son's 25th birthday. We didn't get a birthday present 'wish list' from Teddy this year. I wish we had.